Monday, November 9, 2009

Sequence Flea Music Conservatory

Flea's Music Conservatory

This close shot shows Flea playing the piano, as he is a music teacher and has a Music Conservatory. The shot is well done, albeit somewhat blurry. I wish there were more contrast to the shot, but I think that it characterizes Flea very well. He has a unique sound, and the shot of the piano and his tattoos is very interesting.

This wide shot shows Flea playing the piano, however it includes his whole body, sitting down with his feet to the side and his legs lying out to his side. It's a unique position, as most piano players don't sit like this. It characterizes Flea well as he, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, are very quirky.

This medium shot shows Flea speaking to the interviewer, it pulls the audience back to who is speaking throughout the entire sequence and the piece. It gives a closer view of the face, his identity, his age and his persona.

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