Thursday, November 12, 2009

Final Project Proposal

Marissa Miller
November 12, 2009
Helping the Environment, One Student At a Time

I hope to take a look at what students at UMD are doing to help the environment. Preferably, I would focus on the efforts of one particular group- perhaps the activism of UMD for Clean Energy, a group constructing an EcoHouse, or another group. I will follow and document the group’s efforts, interviewing group members about their goals and such along the way.

We all have to live on this planet, and we’re increasingly becoming aware that we also need to take care of it. Environmental efforts are especially clear at Maryland, where you can’t walk very far without coming across a recycling bin, and where orientation features a small lesson on what is recycled, what is composted, and what is thrown away. This will give the audience a look at what else they can do and who else is going the extra mile.

There’s some difference in opinion about why we even need to take care of the environment- there’s great debate, for example, on the reality of global warming, but that is the only issue that comes to mind.

I’d still need to look into exactly what research this would entail, but I would try to find out about how many students are environmental efforts on campus, and I would look into some of the background and past events of the group that I am featuring.

For sources, I’d get in contact with the leader(s) and members of the group I’m featuring. I’d also try to talk to some people who aren’t quite as passionate as the leaders may be, but who also feel the need to help the environment by helping with whatever project I’m featuring.

I’m planning on doing audio slideshows of interviews with the environmental activists while their work/project is showing on the slideshow, taking video of projects and meetings, and taking other pictures of behind-the-scenes development or process that aren’t captured through the slideshow or video interview, as well as just a few shots of the beauty of Maryland’s campus that the workers are trying to preserve.

Anyone who wonders why Maryland is so intense about recycling and being “green,” or anyone who does want to be more “green” but isn’t quite sure how, will be interested in the story.

The story will occur wherever the environmentally-beneficial project, or the effect or focus of the project, takes place.
I may look into getting a higher quality recorder for any audio interviews that I need to do, and I’ll also have to use a rented flip camera from Tawes. I’m not sure what sort of equipment is most appropriate for photography for this project. I should be able to do all of the editing on my MacBook.

The story isn’t linked to a particular date or event, and the project will be done by the final exam deadline.

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