Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why Did People Go to the Obama Rally? Man on the Street Interviews by Kate McGonigle

1 comment:

  1. How would I make this piece better? First of all, I would improve the second part of my intro where I included the sound of the band in the background by trying to make the background quieter so I wouldn't have to falsely amplify my voice track, since that sounded kind of unnatural.

    I might also take the advice of the class and include the humorous part about Suberi (the source with the hoarse voice) saying he would give Obama a lapdance. I might also bump up some of the voices in the piece instead of having so much narration in the beginning.

    If I had had more time, I probably also might have included a part of Obama's speech, which I recorded. He is such a powerful speaker that it might have made the piece really hard-hitting.

    There is also something not related to editing that I sort of regretted. The girl in front of me said, "I wonder how many people are here not in support of him [Obama] because I'm not." I kicked myself that I didn't have my recorder on at that point.

    In terms of editing, though, I could have made it much smoother. I had a couple of mistakes with pronunciation, the rhythm could have been better and my inflection. Lizzie said she liked what I said in my narration, but I feel like again, with more time, I could have written more for radio (whereas what I said sounded very print-oriented), described the scene. It's also kind of tired to go introduce quote, quote, introduce quote, quote, so I would switch up the format so it wasn't predicatably bouncing back and forth like that.
