Friday, September 18, 2009

John Kiernan discusses Knight Hall

1 comment:

  1. If I were to change this piece, the first thing I would do would be layer the ambient sound that opens the piece with the first narrations. iw ould let the music play briefly and then have the speaking come in over it. Additionally, I would put more after-thought narration in so that my questions were not in the final piece. Additionally, I would try to get ambient noise of the Knight Hall construction site. I believe that much, if not all, of the structural work is already done, which is one reason that i did not include it off the bat, but there may be something to add in. I may also try to interview the dean of the journalism school to see exactly what new features Knight Hall will have. If possible, and if this is not managing the content too much, I could walk with a journalism student as he walks as he normally would to class and then keep going to the new school to see what he or she thinks of the longer walk and how the building looks so far. I may also interview someone with knowledge of the University's budget to see how Knight Hall facotrs into it and how the project was altered, if at all, by the economy.
